The Board of the American Society of Theatre Consultants (ASTC) is composed of seven directors, each elected to a two-year term. This year, three positions were slated for election by the general membership.
A Director since 2016, Heather McAvoy, ASTC served three terms as President. Current ASTC President Paul Sanow remarked, “Heather has made a huge impact on the Board and ASTC in general over her time. She has pushed us to be thoughtful and more inclusive in our activities. Heather will be greatly missed on the Board.” Christopher Sprague, ASTC of Schuler Shook has been elected to replace Heather.
Scott Crossfield, FASTC has chosen to resign from the Board effective on the date of the Board meeting held during the March USITT conference. “Scott has made many great contributions, with excellent perspectives during our discussions since joining the Board in 2022.” This was his second stint on the Board, serving as Vice President for the past year. The Board unanimously appointed Cathleen Bachman of Fisher Dachs Associates to complete the remaining year of the open seat.
Current President Paul Sanow, ASTC and Secretary Peter Scheu, ASTC were reelected to new two-year terms on the Board, and will retain their officer position for the next year. The other Board of Directors continue their terms; R. Duane Wilson, FASTC (CFO), Howard Glickman, ASTC, and Robert Smulling, ASTC. Officers are selected annually by the Board. Sanow commented, “I think the Board is well-positioned to continue the work necessary as we grow and promote the work of the Society. I’m excited to work with this group.
The Board of Directors determined that Kurt Wehmann met the professional qualifications for membership in the ASTC and has been accepted as a regular member, bringing the total membership to 82.After earning a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, Kurt began his career in architecture. Thanks to his curiosity in theatre design, including seating layouts, space planning, and creative solutions to accessibility, he quickly found his way to a position with the consulting firm Sachs
Morgan Studio in New York. He moved back to architecture as a design associate with Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture. In 2016 his career brought him to Theatre Consultants Collaborative where he works as a Principal Consultant. He specializes in sightline studies, ADA accessibility, and continued work in space planning and seating layouts. His projects include the Cain Center for the Arts (NC), Alan and Lindsey Song Center for the Arts (AL), and the Richland 2 School District Performing Arts Center (SC) to name a few.