The American Society of Theatre Consultants (ASTC) is pleased to announce they have selected Susan J. Lustig as an Honorary Member of the Society because of her significant, numerous and meritorious contributions to ASTC. ASTC’s Honorary Membership classification is intended to provide an avenue for the Society to recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves by providing eminent service to the advancement of the profession of Theatre Consultation or in the allied Theatre Arts and Sciences. (
Since 2006, Susan has served ASTC and its Board of Directors in a variety of roles associated with the creation of graphics, marketing and overall promotion of the Society and its activities. Her efforts have focused on enhancement of the Society’s web presence and the design of its 2nd and 3rd generation websites.
Susan composed the Society’s LinkedIn, FaceBook and Wikipedia pages, created and distributed numerous press releases, created ad copy and oversaw the conversion of the Society’s newsletter from print to digital format. Her association with ASTC has grown to the point where the Board of Directors seek her participation in all issues concerning the Society’s marketing and public relations, as well as its outgoing communiqués and “brand.”
In addition to her graphics and website design work, Susan has produced and designed numerous shows and award winning attractions for major theme parks, museums, exhibits, corporate theatre, special events, and television. Universal Studios, Disney, PBS, Showtime, American Honda and Cartier are amongst her many clients. Susan’s education includes an M.F.A. in theatre design from New York University, and a B.F.A from Southern Methodist University.
With her selection, Susan becomes the first 2nd generation Member of ASTC as her father, Edgar (Ned) Lustig was one of ASTC’s Founders and served with distinction as its Secretary-Treasurer for over thirty years.