Bill Conner, FASTC
Bill Conner, FASTC has been appointed by the International Code Council (ICC) Board of Directors as a member of the ICC 300 Consensus Committee on Bleacher Safety for the development of the next edition of the ICC Standard on Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating and Grandstands. The ICC develops and maintains the International Building Code (IBC) and other codes and standards used as model codes by most jurisdictions in the United States. For many years, Conner has been involved in the development of codes and standards with a particular focus on assembly seating and other areas of interest in the performing arts. As ASTC liaison, he has represented the interests of ASTC members and kept the organization informed of changes in the code and issues that relate to performing arts buildings. His decades of experience with code development as it relates to the performing arts provides a unique level of expertise and historic perspective to undertake updating the next edition of this standard.
By Kent Conrad, ASTC