March 13, 2025

ASTC New Board of Directors and New ASTC Member

Two ASTC Board of Directors have left the Board, and two new ASTC members will serve on the Board. Plus, the ASTC announces a new member, bringing the total membership to 82. The Board of Directors determined that the new member met the professional qualifications for membership in the ASTC.
December 13, 2024

Did You Know? – To (Avoid) Tripping the Light Fantastic

Audience safety is an important part of the work of the building’s design team. When the lights go down at the start of a show, members of the audience still need to be able to find their way in the auditorium. Steps alongside audience seating have some important requirements.
December 11, 2023

Did You Know – Checking in on the Coat Room

At some point in the design of performing arts spaces there may be a discussion of the requirements for a coat room. Buildings are changing with the times, and this program space is no different.
November 13, 2022

Early Theatre Winch Controls

In the early days of Theatre Consulting as a profession, some consultants were much more hands-on when it comes to the design of equipment to solve a particular need. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention”. Jim Read, FASTC shares some thoughts on his early work with consulting pioneer, George C. Izenour, and how early winch controls were developed.
July 20, 2022

Did You Know – A Sticky Ticket Wicket

After you work through the word etymology, you will find some solid information about trends in box offices for performing arts.
April 21, 2022

Halls of the Halls

ASTC:Notes recently heard from a reader inquiring about codes and design standards for corridors used in performing arts. As with anything else related to performance buildings, the code minimum is rarely sufficient for the job. Good design considers the way circulation routes are used….
November 23, 2021

Where’s the Brief?

Too often, American performing arts facilities get off on the wrong foot, with the design team being solicited with scant information. Other parts of the world have found a better way.
October 21, 2021

Did You Know – Color My World

When it comes to color in a theatre or performing arts space, it’s not always necessary to follow that age old advice from The Rolling Stones. Color can be used wisely in a theatre. No, it’s not always necessary to, “Paint it, Black.”
June 17, 2020

Let the Sunshine In – Daylight in Performing Arts Buildings

The initial instinct of many people in the performing arts is to create theatres and production spaces which are dark and disconnected from daylight. However, many areas in a performing arts building can benefit from daylight, including the performance space if carefully planned ….
By By Robert Long, FASTC & Robert Shook, FASTC