November 3, 2020

How Much? The Grossly Larger Space

Our series considering the cost drivers of performing arts spaces visits the subject of grossing factors. Assembly spaces are by their very nature less efficient than other building types, but with good reason.
December 12, 2019

The Empty Space – Building Volume, Part 2

Member R. Duane Wilson, ASTC continues his examination of why theatres and other places of public assembly are so much more costly than other construction types. Here he looks at the added volume found in these spaces…. READ MORE
December 10, 2019

The Uncommon Space – Building Volume, Part 1

ASTC Member R. Duane Wilson considers why performance spaces are difficult to accurately estimate compared to other construction projects…. READ MORE
December 5, 2019

Did You Know – Never Enough Storage

Continuing our series of short, informative articles on a variety of theatre planning topics, we offer these thoughts on storage space …. READ MORE…
June 18, 2019

How Much Will My Theatre Cost?

From time to time the ASTC general inquiries line receives a request from a well-meaning person who wants to know how much it costs to build a theatre. This started a bit of a discussion amongst members about the difficulty of such a broad question. R. Duane Wilson will tackle this in a multi-part series. Here’s his introduction to the issue. READ MORE…
August 29, 2018

Open Stage Design & James Hull Miller, ASTC Founding Member

Question: What makes scenery so expensive? Answer: A proscenium frame. Question: Why? Answer: Because it must be filled with Scenery. -James Hull Miller, ASTC As ASTC celebrates 35 years, member R. Duane Wilson looks back to a founding member and mentor in theatre design. James Hull Miller found a different way to look at performance venues. READ MORE…