December 18, 2016

Tips for Back of House Planning

As theatre consultants, many of us cut our teeth working in theatres, loading-in sets, and running shows. For that reason, we have a special passion for backstage areas. While theatre technicians are among the most resourceful people anywhere, there are many things we can do to make their lives easier. ASTC:Notes surveyed a few members for some of their favorite tips for a successful backstage. READ MORE….
April 19, 2016

ASTC Presents at 2016 Performing Arts Manager’s Conference

Back by popular demand, ASTC members, Scott Crossfield and Robert Long, presented the 5th installment in their ASTC-sponsored “History of….” series on March 7th at the IAVM Performing Arts Manager’s Conference held this year in San Antonio. Their rollicking presentations have become one of the highlights of this annual industry event. READ MORE...