May 2, 2023

Origins of the 50-ft Stage Rule for Fire Safety Curtains

Fire Safety Curtains and other proscenium opening protectives have been a topic for stage design for centuries (literally). In 1992, ASTC got involved in the process of revising the building codes, resulting in significant changes to requirements for stages. Bill Conner, FASTC led that project. Here he tells the story.
March 29, 2023

2023 ASTC-USITT Renovation Challenge

The 2023 installment of the ASTC-USITT Venue Renovation Challenge was live and in person after being a remote event in 2021. Four teams presented their work for judging.
March 27, 2023

ASTC Member Updates, Spring 2023

The American Society of Theatre Consultants has welcomed five new members and two new associates. ASTC also thanks four long time members and awards them Emeritus status. Finally ASTC’s internship program has a new name.
December 11, 2022

Rigging Terminations – Then and Now

Our industry has come a long way over the last few years, and it’s not just about LEDs! There have been great strides when it comes to safety and proper engineering of the equipment that goes into theatres. Here, we go into the weeds, er… up into the flies.
November 13, 2022

Early Theatre Winch Controls

In the early days of Theatre Consulting as a profession, some consultants were much more hands-on when it comes to the design of equipment to solve a particular need. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention”. Jim Read, FASTC shares some thoughts on his early work with consulting pioneer, George C. Izenour, and how early winch controls were developed.
November 12, 2022

ASTC Remembers Jim Read, FASTC

The American Society of Theatre Consultants (ASTC) mourns the loss of longtime member and Fellow, James “Jim” Read, FASTC, who passed away on November 2, 2022.
October 4, 2022

ASTC Announces New Member – Michael Nishball

The American Society of Theatre Consultants (ASTC) announces that Michael Nishball has been accepted into membership at the organization’s Forum, held in Nashville at the beginning […]
June 14, 2022

ASTC Mentorship

ASTC has created a mentorship program for students so they may learn about our profession, and with any luck, better expose students to a career path they may not know exists. The first student has now been through the program in New York City.
May 18, 2022

The Sooner the Better or When to Hire a Theatre Consultant

Performing arts spaces are complicated. Don’t assume a theatre consultant is merely an equipment specifier. Gain their expertise early, not when it is too late to fix problems. In the end the consultant’s fee is money well spent and the resulting building will be much better.