December 10, 2021

Stage Floors that Work

Just when you think you've seen it all, someone will try to put something new on a stage. Stages aren’t just for dancers, musicians, or plays with elaborate scenery; sometimes there are cars or the odd elephant. How do we design the stage floor to meet these exacting and unpredictable requirements?
November 23, 2021

Where’s the Brief?

Too often, American performing arts facilities get off on the wrong foot, with the design team being solicited with scant information. Other parts of the world have found a better way.
June 21, 2021

Now Hear This…Monitor and Paging for Performing Arts

Back stage communications systems are critical to the use of most performance spaces. Performers need to know what is happening on stage and when they are needed for their entrance. These systems are designed by audio system designers, but the function should be of interest to the design team for a successful building
June 14, 2021

Balcony Fascias…Not Just a Pretty Face

Performing arts spaces with balconies allow more of the audience to be close to the action. The balcony fascia also provides valuable space for performance technology and to reinforce the appearance of the room. Aesthetics, function, performance, and structure must be carefully planned.
June 7, 2021

Did You Know – Creative Solutions

People involved in technical theatre are well known for their resourceful use of all kinds of technology. It’s not just the people working backstage, but the designers of new buildings. Robert Long, FASTC provides a few examples in this edition of Did You Know?
May 17, 2021

Did You Know – Follow Spot Rooms

Places for follow spots are an important consideration in the design of most performing arts theatres. It is easy to overlook an area many people do not see, yet they see the results of a well-designed location for manually operated follow spots...
April 29, 2021

Rigging in a Music Performance Studio

Studio spaces by their nature do not have the fly tower found with a proscenium stage. Commonly there is a fixed room volume, but lighting and other equipment overhead must still be mounted and serviced. We examine some options here, considering a music performance studio space.
December 12, 2020

Doing Right by the Dressing Rooms

Performers need special rooms to get into costume and apply makeup. In many cases those performers spend a lot of time in these spaces, so the rooms need to be done well. The requirements are not complicated but may be unfamiliar to those who have not spent time backstage.
November 3, 2020

How Much? The Grossly Larger Space

Our series considering the cost drivers of performing arts spaces visits the subject of grossing factors. Assembly spaces are by their very nature less efficient than other building types, but with good reason.