Backstage lumber storage at a University Theatre. Too bad there isn’t a better place to store lumber. by Paul Sanow, ASTC
Did you know…there is never enough stage space in a performing arts venue? Storage space, more storage space, and yes…even more storage space?? Too many theaters use shops and rehearsal spaces, trap rooms, etc. for storage, sometimes in violation of local building and fire codes, and egress requirements. Storage is needed near each of the various shops (costume, electrics, props, scene). Stage houses should be full width all the way up to the grid and have storage galleries provided with adequate access every 20 ft vertically. Do not forget touring road shows and their needs (where do all those road cases live during the event?). Likewise, the needs of front of house operations (catering, portable seating, tables, decorations – especially Christmas decorations). You would not believe some of the Christmas ‘stuff’ found stored in the most bizarre places-(steam tunnels anyone?).
In the early design phases for a new theatre, or a renovation to an existing theatre, storage spaces may seem easy line items to cut from a project. Do not be lulled into believing that appropriate storage space is not important for efficient operations. Instead, plan for proper storage requirements.
By R. Duane Wilson, ASTC
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the American Society of Theatre Consultants, nor the author’s employer. This article is for general information only and should not be substituted for specific advice from a Theatre Consultant, Code Consultant, or Design Professional, and may not be suitable for all situations nor in all locations.