October 21, 2019

ASTC announces new members 2019

The Board of Directors of the American Society of Theatre Consultants welcomes three new members to the ranks, accepted in October 2019. READ MORE…
September 17, 2019

Did You Know? – Ghost Lights, Tormentors and Cycs

Continuing our series of short, informative articles on a variety of theatre planning topics, we offer these thoughts on some backstage technical terms. READ MORE
July 16, 2019

Did You Know – Who Is Asking?

Continuing our series of short, informative articles on a variety of theatre planning topics, we offer these thoughts on how the rooms within performing arts facilities are referenced. READ MORE...
June 18, 2019

Client Involvement in the Theatre Design Process

Too often when performing arts facilities are being designed, the design team isn’t hearing enough from the most important voice: the client. No one knows more about the mission and hopes of an organization than those users. Here we discuss why that voice is so important. READ MORE…
June 18, 2019

How Much Will My Theatre Cost?

From time to time the ASTC general inquiries line receives a request from a well-meaning person who wants to know how much it costs to build a theatre. This started a bit of a discussion amongst members about the difficulty of such a broad question. R. Duane Wilson will tackle this in a multi-part series. Here’s his introduction to the issue. READ MORE…
June 18, 2019

Enough About The Ideal Theatre; What about The Ideal Rehearsal Studio?

The audience hopes to see magic when they visit a theatre. That magic is the result of many hours of hard work developing and rehearsing a performance. Much of that work occurs in a very important room where artists should be free to work without constraint or distraction. READ MORE…
June 18, 2019

ASTC Welcomes New Members at Spring Business Meeting

The American Society of Theatre Consultants added two new members at its Spring Business Meeting, held in conjunction with the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) Conference in Louisville, KY. Jedd de Lucia of The Shalleck Collaborative in Berkeley, CA was accepted as a member. Also accepted for membership was Alex Colodner of ARUP in San Francisco, CA. READ MORE
June 12, 2019

Did You Know – Close That Fire Safety Curtain!

By Peter Scheu, ASTC Often overlooked, the requirement that a Fire Safety Curtain remain closed at all times except when the stage and/or auditorium was in […]
May 28, 2019

ASTC Presents at IAVM Venue Connect 2019

Once again ASTC will present their fun and exciting History of Theatre series at the upcoming IAVM conference. ASTC’s “History Boys” are back, this time in “Sweet Home Chicago”. READ MORE…