December 18, 2016

Gender Identity Accommodation in Performing Arts Facility Planning

For some the topic of gender identity and proper accommodations is uncharted territory, but it’s clear that more discussion and understanding is needed. Two ASTC members participated in a panel at the 2016 North American Theatre and Engineering Conference, and this article is adapted from that presentation. READ MORE….
December 18, 2016

Tips for Back of House Planning

As theatre consultants, many of us cut our teeth working in theatres, loading-in sets, and running shows. For that reason, we have a special passion for backstage areas. While theatre technicians are among the most resourceful people anywhere, there are many things we can do to make their lives easier. ASTC:Notes surveyed a few members for some of their favorite tips for a successful backstage. READ MORE….
December 18, 2016


The ASTC membership was well represented at the 2016 North American Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference held in New York City. The following is a recap of ASTC member involvement and some discussion of the event. READ MORE….
December 18, 2016

ASTC Revit Summit NYC 2016

Revit and other BIM (Building Information Modeling) software has been a hot topic amongst Theatre Consultants for the last few years, with no clear consensus on its best use. It’s clear this sort of software is gaining in popularity with a variety of results for projects and practices. ASTC gathered interested parties for a roundtable discussion of the realities as well as best practices. READ MORE….
December 18, 2016

THE ASTC USITT Student/Consultant Renovation Challenge 2017

ASTC, in conjunction with USITT, once again hosts a theoretical design project for university and college students. The next presentation will be held March 10, 2017 in St. Louis, MO. READ MORE….
December 18, 2016

New ASTC Member

ASTC has accepted a new member for full membership. READ MORE….
April 20, 2016

Performing Arts Design Process and Estimating Trends

It is important to be realistic about the cost of performing arts projects from the beginning to avoid Owner disappointment, redesign and other related problems. Everyone seems to agree projects are being designed more quickly, sometimes leaving out a critical step in the design process. READ MORE….
April 20, 2016

The Case for Rational Balcony Design

On the subject of sightline constrained rails allowed by the International Building Code (IBC), after an injury or fall from height incident, a frequent response is […]
April 20, 2016

Protecting the Best Seats in the House

From time to time the height of sight-constrained rails along a balcony becomes an issue, due to a fall or the simple perception that such railings are permitted to be quite low. Several ASTC members discussed the issues, perceptions and some possible solutions. READ MORE….