May 28, 2019

ASTC Presents at IAVM Venue Connect 2019

Once again ASTC will present their fun and exciting History of Theatre series at the upcoming IAVM conference. ASTC’s “History Boys” are back, this time in “Sweet Home Chicago”. READ MORE…
January 6, 2019

The Case for Boxes

Many theatres and concert halls include “boxes” along the sides of the theatre, typically above the orchestra seating. Why are they useful and desirable? Some thoughts on this important piece of auditorium architecture.
January 6, 2019

Making a Night (or Day) of it: Food in the Performing Arts Center

Despite the attitudes of some purists, food and beverage is an important income stream for many Performing Arts Centers. Both within the performance space and in other public spaces, audiences are expecting options, and at a higher level of quality.
January 5, 2019

Did You Know – Stage Directions

The first in a series of short, helpful articles unlocking lingo and mysteries of the performing arts. First an easy one; stage directions.
January 4, 2019

Book Review: “Center of Dreams”

It took decades of organizing and planning to build the Adrienne Arsht Centre for the Performing Arts in Miami. That process has been documented for all, so we may learn from the successes and challenges of building a major performing arts project.
October 31, 2018

ASTC Announces New Fellows and Members 2018

October 25, 2018- The American Society of Theatre Consultants (ASTC) is pleased to announce that at the Fall 2018 Forum meeting held in Chicago on Oct. […]
September 5, 2018

ASTC at 35

The American Society of Theatre Consultants is celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year. Typically, we are all too busy doing our work and don’t take the time to look back. Here, a few members look back on where ASTC started and what it has accomplished. READ MORE…
August 29, 2018

Open Stage Design & James Hull Miller, ASTC Founding Member

Question: What makes scenery so expensive? Answer: A proscenium frame. Question: Why? Answer: Because it must be filled with Scenery. -James Hull Miller, ASTC As ASTC celebrates 35 years, member R. Duane Wilson looks back to a founding member and mentor in theatre design. James Hull Miller found a different way to look at performance venues. READ MORE…
August 29, 2018

Platform or Stage?

Is it a “stage” or a “platform”? While this seems an easy question to answer, it often is a source of confusion when designing a space for performance. The distinction is quite important, with far-ranging and often expensive consequences. READ MORE…